ProvideR Billing And Coding


Sucess Stories

Billing for optometry is a complex and crucial topic, especially for specialist firms. This blog discusses the success story of Comprehensive Ophthalmology, a Texas-based eye clinic, in modernizing its optometry billing and coding procedures, emphasizing the knowledge provided by Provider Billing and Coding (PBC), a top optometric billing provider.

This case study, which shows notable gains in productivity and financial stability, is evidence of the advantages of outsourcing billing in the optometry industry.

Background of Comprehensive Ophthalmology

A Texas eye clinic called Comprehensive Ophthalmology faced many difficulties with their optometry medical billing system. They managed roughly 2200 patient visits per month and had a strong infrastructure, yet they still had problems like:

  • Inadequate resources for billing optometry in-house.
  • gaps in the verification procedures.
  • insufficient knowledge of billing and coding for optometry.
  • statements from patients that are delayed.
  • The entire optometrist medical billing procedure has to be streamlined.
  • a reduction in the amount of practice data collected.
  • payment posting delays.
  • Increasing over a 120-day period in accounts receivable (AR).
  • PBC was selected to restructure the optometry billing procedures of the clinic in order to resolve these problems.  

PBC was selected to restructure the optometry billing procedures of the clinic in order to resolve these problems.

Our Method-Taking on the Difficulties 

PBC’s plan to improve the optometry billing for the clinic comprised a careful review and the deployment of a committed staff. Important actions comprised:

  • Verification of Eligibility: Strict insurance verification procedures are put in place by professionals in optometry billing.
  • Charge entry, claim submissions, and demographics: These three areas need to be overhauled because they are vital to optometry medical billing.
  • Submission of Claims: Emphasizing approvals and rejections—a crucial part of billing and coding in optometry.
  • Streamlining the payment posting and denials handling process is a crucial part of optometric billing.
  • Effective AR management practices are introduced in this article on account payable management.
  • Patient Statements: Encouraging more accurate and efficient patient statements.

Findings: A Tale of Metamorphosis

The choice to concentrate on hiring PBC to handle optometry billing resulted in:

  • Enhanced productivity in billing and coding for optometry.
  • Enhanced revenue generation, as demonstrated by increased rates of collection.
  • Simplified the medical billing procedures for optometrists.

Conclusion :

The path that Comprehensive Ophthalmology took with PBC sheds light on the benefits of working with a specialist optometric billing business. This collaboration demonstrated the value of outsourcing billing in optometry by improving their optometry billing procedures and freeing them up to concentrate more on patient care.

This case study highlights the value of having specific optometrist billing and coding knowledge in navigating the difficulties of this sector by demonstrating that obstacles in optometry medical billing may be successfully addressed with the correct information.

FAQ’s :

1. What role does optometry play in healthcare?

For the purpose of preventing, diagnosing, and treating eye diseases and vision problems, optometry is crucial to the medical field.

2. What function does an optometrist serve?

An optometrist’s duties include diagnosing and treating specific eye ailments, prescribing corrective lenses, and examining eyes for vision and health issues.

3. What is the eye exam protocol code?

For a full examination of a new patient, the procedure code is 92004; for an examination of an existing patient, it is 92014.

4. What other term is used to refer to an eye specialist?

An ophthalmologist is an alternative term for an eye specialist.

5. What function does an optometrist serve in a hospital?

The function of an optometrist at a hospital An optometrist’s main responsibilities in a hospital are to provide eye exams, diagnose eye disorders, and provide patients undergoing eye surgery with pre- and post-operative care.

Published By – Provider Billing and Coding
Published Date – Jan-15-2024