ProvideR Billing And Coding


Medical Billing Services

The government’s current healthcare reforms aimed at improving healthcare quality are causing confusion in revenue management for healthcare providers. Challenges such as increased denials and operating costs, lower reimbursements, more time spent on administrative tasks, and complex coding are being encountered. With upcoming reforms like the Affordable Care Organization Concept, the Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR), mandatory transition to comprehensive ICD-10 and HIPAA 5010 coding compliance, updated ABN (Advanced Beneficiary Notice of Non-coverage) Form CMS-R-131, and others – utilizing a skilled billing service can give your healthcare practice a competitive edge.

How does it operate?

Doctors all throughout the country have been finding it difficult to locate an expert who can take on their administrative responsibilities so they may focus on the difficulties of delivering high-quality medical care. While the majority of doctors would much rather have a specialist handle the reimbursement process and optimize their income, they are constantly searching for others to handle their revenue cycle management.

Health Consultancy Services

Regardless of the size of your business, PBC offers completely customized consulting services to healthcare providers in terms of program knowledge, analytical services, and revenue cycle management.

The dynamic healthcare sector has recently undergone profound transformation because to advances in information technology. With regular updates regarding how government rules affect routine healthcare procedures and decisions that affect patients, doctors, and insurers equally; it needs a specialist to assess and ascertain their possible implications on each at both the micro and macro levels.

Why is professional consulting services needed?
Healthcare providers at all levels will probably want expert support to handle these revolutionary developments as the industry works to realign the relationship between key stakeholders in the healthcare system by eliminating the gaps and ambiguities. Healthcare accounts for almost 16% of the GDP of the country, making it a crucial sector to optimize revenue generation. With community hospitals experiencing financial losses and rural healthcare facing unappealing compensation, the industry urgently needs expert professional consultation to boost growth.

The tendency of the Payers to reject claims at The smallest chance exacerbates the problem even more, which is why proactive revenue cycle management requires expert assistance.

PBC offers end-to-end solutions for the achievement of your strategic, operational, and financial goals and is aware of the quickly changing healthcare landscape.

Ensuring adherence to regulations
In what ways can PBC consulting services give you a competitive advantage? We provide our expertise and experience in the healthcare sector to make sure you are equipped to handle its revolutionary advances and get ready for the wide range of accreditations and compliances in the field.

HIPAA 5010, ICD10, PQRI (Physician Quality Reporting Initiative), CPOE (Computerized Physician Order Entry), HIE (Health Information Exchange), and the most recent EHR improvements have all been brought about by the way healthcare services are evolving can assist in integrating and implementing into your system with the fewest possible bumps throughout the changeover. But it can be challenging to implement these compliances with a staff that is resistant. It’s possible that your system needs a skilled motivator with expertise in revenue cycle management.

Our billing and coding specialists are AAPC-certified, experienced, tech-savvy, and have a proven track record of providing error-free and denial-free services across all medical specialties. They are available to support our consulting services. In order to offer a proactive approach and the best skill set possible to guarantee a healthy income return for individual physicians, multispecialty groups, hospitals, and diagnostic centers across the country, these billing and coding professionals continuously update and modify their professional knowledge. With their extensive practical experience on countless projects They offer a wide range of value-added services, including knowledge of current healthcare regulations and expertise in multiple states.

In order to improve patient outcomes, we also prioritize developing norms for interoperability, privacy, data protection, and backup systems.

Through its many stages of deployment, we offer smoothly integrated full EMR solutions that significantly eliminate medical errors in normal operations and enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of patient care.

How might our revenue cycle management solutions help you maximize your returns?
After assessing your position, PBC can provide you with a comprehensive examination of your revenue cycle, identify areas of deficiency, and offer suggestions for possible improvement.

Our specialists in revenue cycle management are able to locate and reveal inefficiencies and revenue leaks using a multifaceted examination of domains like

  • Needs for training
  • Optimizing Workforce
  • Software shortcomings
  • antiquated procedure

These frequent problems frequently lead to registration errors, insufficient or no pre-verification of insurance coverage, and a deficiency of a functional program for insurance deductible and co-pay collection.

In a similar vein, thoroughly investigating payer-, patient-, and service-related receivables through the analysis of Account Receivables reports facilitates the identification of cash flow bottlenecks that can be readily fixed.

A expert is always required to prevent RAC audits and to ensure that Medicare is refunded promptly in cases where there has been an overpayment. Our experts in your office will point out these details and assist your team in incorporating them into their routines.

Our knowledgeable Revenue Cycle management consultants increase your revenue, enhance employee productivity, and facilitate seamless integration of new systems with your current procedures. We offer specialized consulting services that include thorough documentation and analysis of all pertinent revenue cycle procedures, including concerns about adhering to HIPAA privacy requirements.

We Focus on ...

Orthopedics Transcription

Documentation remains the skeleton of all healthcare practices. Amongst the most required services under Medical Transcription

Podiatry Transcription

Podiatrists and podiatry surgeons across all states have depended on medical transcriptionists to have their medical records in place

Radiology Transcription

Radiologists across the US depend on trained medical transcripts to return their reports to the concerned physicians or departments

Cardiology Transcription

The quality of patient care is directly proportionate to the efforts invested in documenting patient visits and the validity

Pathology Transcription

Pathology transcription services are a specialized branch in medical transcription and have a crucial requirement

Oncology Transcription

Pressing documentation needs and specialized knowledge requirement in the field of oncology has made oncologists

Our Services Heighlight

Accuracy and Quality

Because our medical transcription specialists are committed to providing high-quality transcription services, they have implemented quality control procedures at various control points and adopted numerous tiers of quality measurement to guarantee the accuracy and integrity of healthcare data.


The requirements for healthcare documentation have evolved with the times and the adoption of EMRs. In light of these modifications, our professionals may assist you with entering information into your EMR and integrating your previous data into the EMR of your choosing.

100% HIPPA Complaint

Our experts’ dedication to their clients includes going above and beyond HIPAA compliance regulations. They also offer complete data encryption and the highest level of protection for Patient Health Information (PHI).

Turn Around Time

With our specialists’ fastest turnaround time of 24 hours, you may improve patient care by receiving your reports before the next day.

Dictation System

Both toll free and digital recorders are available as per your preference.

Effective Pricing

Our Medical Transcription services accounts value for money. Charged per line, each line includes 65 characters.