ProvideR Billing And Coding


Behavioral Health

Behavior medicine is interdisciplinary, integrating knowledge from the biological, behavioral, psychological, and social disciplines that are important to health and illness. As a result, behavior medicine doctors rarely have time to successfully manage, file, and be reimbursed for their medical expenses.

Delegated Mastery

Alternatively, our Behavior Medicine Billing Advisory, which is made up of AAPC certified medical coders, has been able to fill in the gap and guarantee higher revenue generation for Behavior Medicine by applying specific CPT, ICD-10, and HCPCS; adhering to HIPAA privacy standards; and processing the prepared bills with top private insurance carriers like United Health, Wellpoint, Aetna, Humana, HCSC, Blue Cross Group, and Government sponsored Medicare and Medicaid as well. Medical professionals, patient volume and referrals, and effectiveness of care.

Comprehensive Discussion of Behavior Medicine Techniques

By using a thorough billing and coding strategy that covers the complete range of behavior medicine treatments, our billing advisory has been able to serve the majority of behavior medicine specialists, including psychologists, doctors, and certified nurses.

  • Hypnosis, biofeedback, and biobehavioral therapy for medical conditions.
  • Aspects of physical medicine, rehabilitation medicine, and occupational therapy
  • Medicinal prevention.

Facilitating Precise and Enhanced Medical Invoicing

Accurate and sophisticated medical billing on behalf of our clients has been made possible by a deep understanding of the Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) coding system, which covers the entire health and behavior assessment and intervention of medical services. The set of CPT codes below, which is utilized to code Behavior Medicine operations, is a legitimate testimonial to our honesty in a conforming coding scheme:

Adding Adjustments to Reduce Delay/Denial

Our Behavior Medicine Billing Advisory has been able to minimize unfavorable delays or denials of its clients’ medical reimbursements by combining a knowledgeable coding regimen with prompt and accurate modifiers. Modifiers 22 and 52 pertain to Extended and Reduced Services, respectively. In the former case, the provider lowers or eliminates a component of the service or process, resulting in a lower payment. The CPT code for the reduced service and the insertion of the modifier (52) are two prominent instances of modifiers that we have incorporated into our billing process.

Numerous Advantages

The doctors in behavior medicine, who gave preference to our complex procedure coding, precise charge capture, electronic claim submission, patient billing, multi-tiered appeals process, denial elimination campaigns, and compliance